hair extensions for hair loss

Hair Extensions for Hair Loss: Your Options in Melbourne

Hair Extensions for Hair Loss: Your Options in Melbourne

Statistically speaking, around 75% of women will experience some form of hair loss during their lives. It’s a completely natural and widespread experience, but one that often appears to be taboo, a subject people might avoid discussing openly. The qualified professionals at LDL International in Melbourne are well-versed in determining the best hair extensions for thin hair and which hair extensions for fine hair best suit you, as well as providing hair extensions for hair loss. Keep reading to explore your options and feel free to get in touch with us to book your complimentary consultation.

Reasons Behind Hair Loss in Women 

There are a variety of reasons why women experience hair loss. Stress and anxiety are often the main drivers, as are conditions such as alopecia and trichotillomania. The cause may also be attributed to a lack of nutrients, protein, vitamins or minerals, or side effects from medications. Even simpler than that, is just the fact that as we get older, our body’s natural stores are depleted, which can leave us lacking. Whatever the case, it’s entirely natural and nothing to be ashamed of. Our experts can help you grow and restore your confidence with our range of beautiful and practical hair extensions.

The Best Hair Extensions for Fine Hair

The best hair extensions for thin hair and fine hair will vary depending on your circumstances. Handmade wefts are an increasingly popular option, as they are easily customised to any colour, length and density specification that you need. On top of all this, they are also lightweight, unobtrusive and convenient. One of our main priorities when it comes to providing hair extensions for hair loss is the protection of your existing hair. The lightweight nature of wefts ensures that your hair is not damaged by the additional weight of the extensions. Speak to our team about your hair today, and we’ll use our expertise to determine which option is best suited to your unique situation.

If you’ve got any further questions about hair extensions for hair loss, or if you wish to begin any of the aforementioned processes, then contact LDL International today to book your complimentary consultation.