Hair Terminologies You Need to Know

Hair Terminologies You Need to Know

Lady Dee-Lish has been giving women their dream hair for years now, and throughout that time we’ve learnt everything there is to know about the art of creating and installing the finest quality extensions.


We could write a book on all the hair secrets we have up our sleeve (and perhaps one day we will…) but for now, let’s take a look at the words you need to know when it comes to extensions…


Virgin is a word we use all the time here at LDL. Why? Because it refers to hair that is completely natural and unprocessed, having never touched a chemical or product before. It looks, feels and acts like real hair – because it is real hair! This is what we work with here at LDL for the simple reason that there is truly nothing else like it.



Remy is another word that you’ll want to look out for when you’re buying extensions. Put simply, this hair has its original cuticle still intact, meaning they are all facing the same direction. This is extremely important as the cuticles are what stops tangling and matting. Your natural hair is Remy hair, which is why you don’t have to worry about waking up with matted locks every morning.


When you’re buying mass-produced hair, most factories acid wash it before putting it in a packet ready to be installed on your head. This process strips the hair of its cuticle entirely, providing a temporary fix that will only last a couple of washes. Unfortunately, many factories label this type of hair as Remy when it simply isn’t true. Finding true Remy options will ensure that your extensions look fabulous for as long as you take proper care of them.


Factory hair is the very opposite of virgin, Remy hair. Not only is it often sourced from multiple donors rather than a single donor, but It is coated in a range of chemicals to make it look and feel amazing. Factory hair will never give you that long-lasting, flawless look as it has a lifespan of a few months at best, or a few weeks at worst.



You’re probably used to thinking of a pony tail as something that sits on top of your head, but in the extension world this term usually refers to virgin hair before it is transformed into a weft. When this hair is cut from the head of the donor, it is tied into a pony tail and delivered to our door. This what you can see when you pay a visit to our salon – bundles of beautiful hair ready to be picked out by you!



Permanent hair extensions allow you to enjoy long, luscious hair day in, day out. They can be installed using many methods however LDL uses a unique method that doesn’t cause any damage to your natural hair. These options need to be taken out and reinstalled every 6 weeks to ensure they stay looking their best.



If you dream of longer, thicker hair but don’t want to commit to permanent extensions, clip in extensions can provide you with the best of both worlds. As the name suggests, they simply clip in and out of your hair, providing versatility. Here at LDL, the process of creating your clip ins is similar to that of permanent extensions in that the hair is picked by you before being custom made into the perfect


A weft is a continuous line of hair extension that can be applied using many different methods. Here at LDL, all of our wefts are handmade using only the finest quality virgin Caucasian hair.


LDL Are Melbourne’s Hair Extension Masters, Supplying Top Of The Range Virgin, Caucasian Wefts For Our Beautiful Clients. Get In Touch With Us Today On 0413 785 399 To Book Your Initial Consultation.